Make sure you read this From Global Guerrillas and turn the Boyd Cycle on! Complacency can cost us dearly…Observe, Orient, Decide and Act…this Peron known now as “Climate Man” did so and breached high security… We have to be better than this! Read on:
The super-empowered references are flowing for the man in the UK that shut down an electric power plant single handedly (without a boom):
The £12m defenses of the most heavily guarded power station in Britain have been breached by a single person who, under the eyes of CCTV cameras, climbed two three-meter (10ft) razor-wired, electrified security fences, walked into the station and crashed a giant 500MW turbine before leaving a calling card reading “no new coal”. He walked out the same way and hopped back over the fence. All power from the coal and oil-powered Kingsnorth station in Kent was halted for four hours…
Mystified Greenpeace activists explain why they FAIL (ego and legacy protest thinking play a big part):
Should “climate man” ever show up, he will be feted for what activists say was the most daring individual action of the year. “We have no idea who he is – but we really want to know. Everybody’s asking ‘where were you on Friday November 28’,” said Ben Stewart of Greenpeace, one of six people arrested for climbing the 76 meter (250ft) chimney of the Kingsnorth station early last year but found not guilty of criminal damage in November. “We would never act anonymously,” he added.
More quotes:
“He left a banner but it was a real DIY job. It was really scrappy.” “This is a different league to protesters chaining themselves to equipment. It’s someone treating a power station as an adventure playground.”
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