Law Enforcement & Security Consulting, Inc (LESC) Most Read Articles with Fred Leland Updated October 2009 | Law Enforcement & Security Consulting

Here is a compiled list of some the most popular articles written by Fred Leland of Law Enforcement and Security Consulting, Inc. All the articles are centered on developing situational awareness and decision making under pressure, as well as create and nurture the strategic and tactical mindset that is essential in detecting, preventing and resolving conflict and violence, be it on patrol, the street, a university or campus, hospital, place of worship, school or any other environment. 

My hope and goal is that you both enjoy and get plenty of usefulness out of reading them so that you continue to learn-unlearn and relearn as an individual, agency or organization and “do what we know how to do even better when it comes to protecting those we serve.”

Stay Oriented!



What some are saying about the articles

Fred writes the LESC blog, which is one of my favorite sources for information about situational awareness, the OODA loop, John Boyd’s concepts, and next generation warfare. In this post he links to some of his best articles. It is a great place to introduce yourself to his writing.

All the articles are centered on developing situational awareness and decision making under pressure, as well as create and nurture the strategic and tactical mindset that is essential in detecting, preventing and resolving conflict and violence, be it on patrol, the street, a university or campus, hospital, place of worship, school or any other environment.

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