Mexican Crime Families: Political Aims and Social Plans By John P. Sullivan and Adam Elkus | Law Enforcement & Security Consulting

Interesting intelligence from John Sullivan and Adam Elkus on Mexican crime families and their strategies and goals. How they have evolved to using Guerilla and small unit tactics, torture  on Law enforcement and security officials all in an effort to force the Mexican government to cease its crack down on them.

“Unlike Pablo Escobar’s Colombian reign of terror in the 1990s, the Mexican cartels are engaged in serious insurgent campaigns. Armed with military infantry weapons, their gunmen use complex small-unit tactics that differ from the usual “pray and spray” methods beloved by criminals. Cartels run training camps for assassins on the border. They attempt to agitate the populace against the Mexican military through political subversion. And they control towns and neighborhoods that the military tries to retake through force.”

These two gentleman Sullivan and Elkus are on top of their game when it comes to intelligence methods to gather, share and  utilize in efforts to prepare protection professionals for emerging threats.


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