Author's Posts

WASHINGTON — The director of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum says their security training helped save lives when guards quickly shot an elderly gunman who opened fire with a rifle.

Sara Bloomfield also paid tribute to a guard who was killed in the Wednesday attack. She told NBC’s “Today” show Thursday that 39-year-old officer Stephen Tyrone Johns was both a terrific professional and a warm, jovial person.

Authorities say the gunman who was critically injured was 88-year-old James W. von Brunn. They say he was a white supremacist with a virulent anti-Semitic past.

Bloomfield told the “Today” show that the Holocaust museum takes security very seriously and training for its guards had paid off because two guards stopped the attacker and no visitors were hurt.

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WASHINGTON (CNN) — A rifle-wielding white supremacist entered Washington’s Holocaust museum on Wednesday afternoon, fatally shooting a security guard before being wounded himself by return fire from other guards, authorities said.

Stephen Tyrone Johns was shot and killed while working at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum on Wednesday.

Stephen Tyrone Johns, a six-year veteran of the museum’s security staff, later “died heroically in the line of duty,” said Sara Bloomfield, museum director. Continue reading

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FRAMINGHAM — A Framingham man police say shot a Framingham officer in the face in April will be arraigned along with two others tomorrow in Middlesex Superior Court.

Sahr Josiah, 22, faces several charges connected to the April 14 shooting of Officer Phil Hurton, 32.

Also to be arraigned will be Kenneth Lacey, 20, of Mattapan, and Emanuel Aguilar, 18, of Marlborough.

Authorities say Josiah, Lacey and Aguilar conspired to rob a cab driver on April 14.

After the robbery on Arlington Street, all three men ran off. Hurton chased Josiah behind Bonded Transmission at 111 Beaver St. and Av’s Market at 113 Beaver St.

Authorities say Josiah shot Hurton twice, once in the face, shattering his jaw, and hitting both arms.

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Nowhere is getting the right information at the right time more critical than in the area of national security — defense, intelligence, diplomacy and so on. And people working in the government know all too well the consequences of not having such information available in a timely manner. So it is perhaps unsurprising that researchers are now publishing reports about the new field of information sharing and national security at a rapid clip. (FCW)

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A former Hampton University student armed with three loaded handguns shot a dorm manager and a pizza delivery driver inside a school dorm early Sunday before turning the gun on himself, officials said.

All three survived, and a suspect was quickly arrested. A motive for the shooting was not clear.

The dorm manager, who was shot three times, had been released from a hospital on Sunday. The delivery driver and the suspect, age 18, remained in a hospital in stable condition, university officials said.

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People, Ideas and Hardware in That Order!
LESC Newsletter

Welcome to the premier issue of the LESC newsletter “People, Ideas and Hardware In That Order!” The LESC upgraded web-site now allows us to reach out to those in the Law Enforcement, Security and Military professions who are eager to learn the strategy and tactics essential to detecting, preventing, avoiding, defusing and resolving conflict, the goal of this monthly newsletter. With your help and involvement we will do just that.

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It seemed too good to be true: hundreds of zeros in the university’s annual safety report, claiming there is next to no crime at NYU’s study abroad sites.
Turns out, it was.

Top NYU Public Safety officials now say some administrators abroad have been failing to properly report crime at study abroad sites for years. Now, they say, all of the numbers are suspect. “I thought we had real numbers. In truth, we did not,” Vice President for Public Safety Jules Martin said.

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A small improvised explosive device detonated outside an Upper East Side Starbucks early Monday morning, shattering the coffee shop’s windows and raising fears of terrorism.

The bomb tore a hole in a wooden bench outside the coffee chain’s outpost at Third Ave. and E. 92nd St. when it exploded at 3:30 a.m.

No one was injured in the blast, but it terrified residents who had been fast asleep early on Memorial Day. (NY Daily News)

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I found a great web-site Spartan Cops which as plenty of valuable information related to use of force and preparing cops for the street.

Spartan Cops publishes articles, tips, and videos revolving around Police Use of Force for police officers, trainers, and administrators. Topics include defensive tactics, TASERs, less-lethal weapons, lethal weapons and firearms, police K9, and gear.

I will be linking the site and their articles to the LESC site… Take a look

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A Lebanese-born Swedish man was found guilty of several terrorism-related charges on Tuesday for attempting to set up a militant training camp in the United States and websites showing how to make bombs.

Oussama Abdullah Kassir, who was extradited from the Czech Republic to New York in 2007, was found guilty by a U.S. federal jury on multiple charges, including supporting terrorism and al Qaeda, by attempting to set up the camp in Bly, Oregon, from 1999 to early 2000. (Reuters)

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